Archive for June, 2020

Should You Consider Mass Torts for Your Firm?

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

Mass torts are lawsuits in which several individually-recognized plaintiffs bring a single lawsuit against a common defendant. Your law firm may want to consider adding mass torts to your offerings if:

  • You want to represent a greater number of clients whose needs are similar and may be collectivized under a single lawsuit.
  • You want to maximize the amount of justice you can provide for the greatest number of people.
  • You believe that your firm could benefit in one or more ways from adding mass torts to your repertoire.

If you’re wondering how should you consider mass torts for you firm, you should think about how your clients may benefit from your ability to practice mass tort litigation.

The Benefits of Mass Torts for Lawyers and Their Clients

Mass tort litigation generally involves several victims of harm initiating lawsuits at the same time against a common defendant. The benefits of mass tort litigation include:

  • The simultaneous launching of multiple lawsuits puts pressure on a defendant that may encourage them to offer a settlement
  • The aggregation of multiple individuals’ lawsuits alleging similar circumstances may collectively strengthen the case of each individual plaintiff

As a lawyer, mass tort litigation may allow you to:

  • Become familiar with a specific case and then use the knowledge you gather to represent numerous clients engaged in the mass tort
  • Provide representation for a larger number of clients than you normally would if you were representing drastically different case types in the same period of time
  • Ultimately expand your client base and generate greater revenue from your firm

From your clients’ perspective, your ability to represent them in mass tort proceedings may:

  • Allow them to benefit from a lawyer’s familiarity with the issue that necessitated a mass tort
  • Provide their lawsuit added credibility through the common idea that there is strength in numbers—in this case, numerous lawsuits against a common defendant
  • Result in a judgement or settlement, if the mass tort proves successful

When a Mass Tort May Be Warranted

Mass torts are generally called for when numerous plaintiffs are harmed by a common defendant, often in a similar way. Should you consider mass torts for your firm? The answer is yes if you have many clients that have been victims of mass harm because of:

  • A defective product
  • A defective drug
  • Negligent practices by a medical professional
  • Mass contamination
  • Environmental hazards
  • Systematic discrimination

Additional circumstances may warrant mass tort litigation. If you do ultimately choose to add mass torts to your law firm’s offerings, you will need a marketing strategy for acquiring plaintiffs.

Social Media is the New Standard for Plaintiff Acquisition

Marketing your law firm on digital channels—and social media specifically—is an effective way of attracting plaintiffs for your mass torts. Two social media platforms stand out as cost-effective means of advertising your law firm:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Facebook Is a Reliable, Evolved Digital Marketplace

Facebook is a commonly used social media platform (and it offers wide-ranging user demographics). There are many Facebook users in the United States, and many of those users dedicate a substantial portion of their time to the platform each day. Should you consider mass torts for your firm if you advertise on Facebook? Definitely.

Facebook advertising offers your law firm:

  • The ability to deploy custom advertisements at a large scale
  • The possibility for users to organically share your advertisements, which spreads your firm’s message without any additional cost to you
  • A number of in-depth metrics about user engagement with your advertisements These metrics allow you to gauge the effectiveness of your advertising campaign and make tweaks to improve your approach
  • The ability to use dynamic Facebook ads, such as advertisements that retarget Facebook users once they have left the platform (which extends your advertisement’s reach beyond your firm’s page)

A team of experts who are familiar with best Facebook advertising practices could provide a tangible improvement in your firm’s client retention, including the acquisition of plaintiffs for specific mass torts that your firm brings.

Instagram Could Also Be a Boon for Your Firm

Lawyers who want to cover all of their digital advertising bases will consider the value of Instagram advertising in attracting plaintiffs who may dedicate more time and attention to their Instagram feed than any other social platform.

Visually appealing advertisements may help your brand awareness, particularly with an Instagram user base that could be demographically different than the average Facebook users.

Allow the X Social Media, LLC Team to Boost Your Firm’s Digital Presence

Our team of Xperts will work with your sales team to move potential plaintiffs through your funnel and convert them into clients for your mass tort. We can:

  • Create Facebook and Instagram pages for your firm
  • Create custom landing pages aimed specifically at converting users into your clients
  • Employ a strategic approach to ad purchases on the major social platforms
  • Ensure that your firm’s vision and message is being represented as you would like it to be
  • Follow bar marketing guidelines in all that we do

To find out more about how our Xperts can help, call our X Social Team at (888) 670-0006 today.

How Do You Create a Dynamic Facebook Ad?

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

A dynamic Facebook ad that converts into clients includes:

Our agency specializes in Facebook marketing. We show you how to create a dynamic Facebook ad that guides new traffic to your website.

Your Target Market Is Already Using Facebook

If your law firm is considering dynamic Facebook ads as a way to increase your client acquisitions, you are in the right social space. According to Pew Research, seven in ten adults in the US use Facebook. Facebook has approximately 214 million American consumers in their ranks, which represents about 81% of the US population.

That makes Facebook an ideal marketing tool to grow your firm. By investing in Facebook ads, you reach millions of people who are continuously scrolling through their Facebook feeds on computers, smartphones, and other mobile devices. With ads optimized for mobile performance, your law firm can capitalize on the opportunity to educate potential new clients about your law firm and its practice areas.

We focus on law firms and these advertising areas:

If your law firm wants to use storytelling through Facebook ads as a way to educate potential clients about individual lawyers, specific practice areas, or specific case studies, then dynamic Facebook ads can do it.

We Give You a Customized Facebook Experience

Your brand profile is an important part of your social media presence. When you are ready to use dynamic Facebook ads to grow your law firm, we guide you through the process of creating the ads your firm needs to reach target clients.

We provide personalized social media experience that treats each law firm like the individual client it is. We assign each client a dedicated account manager, who will walk you through your campaign’s creation and answer any questions you have about the mechanics and functionality of your ad spend.

We do not create ads and leave you to figure out the rest. Instead, we free your time to focus on your client base while we streamline your Facebook marketing experience. If your law firm does not have an existing Facebook page, we will even set that up for you.

We are careful to follow bar marketing guidelines all law firms must adhere to on every Facebook ad we create. We do not take over the management or control of your Facebook account. We simply create ads for your law firm and follow-up tools that lead to individual ad and campaign success.

Monitor Your Facebook Ad Campaigns With Our Feedback Loop

Creating dynamic Facebook ads is only one part of an entire marketing picture. It is also extremely important to carefully monitor your ad’s performance and identify its real-time reach. Those important measurements dictate how you make future marketing decisions and can influence the growth of your law firm.

Our Feedback Loop puts these marketing matrix benefits at your disposal:

Our easy-to-install Feedback Loop is a hosted service available on almost any browser. Ask our Xperts about how it can help you stay on top of the performance of your dynamic Facebook ads.

Create Localized Facebook Ads for Optimal Reach

Dynamic Facebook ads hone in on specific geographic locations to increase your ad’s appeal to your local marketplace. That is why we start campaign creation with a questionnaire that takes a deep dive into your law firm and equips us with the information we need to build dynamic, effective, and compelling Facebook ads.

How do you create a dynamic Facebook ad? By getting help from an advertising agency that specializes in Facebook and Instagram marketing for law firms.

Let X Social Media Develop Your New Dynamic Facebook Ads

All social media has a reach and range that make the right advertising valuable and effective. With their scale and scope, Facebook ads can be a cost-effective way to reach new clients for your law practice. The key to reaching your target demographic is producing dynamic Facebook ads that catch their eye and compel them to click. So, how do you create a dynamic Facebook ad? Find out by calling X Social Media at (888) 670-0006 and get started on creating ads that hit their mark.

The X Social Feedback Loop Explained for Mass Tort Lawyers

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

Just as mass torts are specialized segments of your law practice, the marketing that powers this practice area must be specialized to reach its target segment. This short guide will help you understand the benefits and advantages of the X Social Feedback Loop for mass tort lawyers.

The X Social Feedback Loop is designed to specifically optimize the end results of your marketing methods by measuring the performance of your digital marketing strategies. These critical measurements let you know where your advertising is most effective. For example, these tools can provide clarity on what is reaching your target users and what is not.

Always up to date, the X Social Feedback Loop reads and reports media marketing campaigns in real-time. It lets you see your law firm’s highest-performing paid media campaigns and ads in your media mix. It also highlights your overall marketing performance so you can increase ad spending based on actual real-time data, not guesswork.

Monitor Campaign and Ad Performance in Real-Time

Monitoring your marketing strategies helps maintain focus, reach the right target audience, and grow your law firm with continual responsive feedback.

With the X Social Feedback Loop, you can:

The X Social Feedback Loop lets you measure your social marketing effectiveness in four key areas:

Our feedback loop offers more than responsiveness; it offers current data relating to important statistics without relying on hours or days old spreadsheet calculations. It also puts data information at your fingertips.

Key Feedback Loop Features

The X Social Feedback Loop gives your law firm marketing transparency and real-time insight into true ad performance with these additional features:

These features are designed to promote your bottom line and turn clicks into clients.

Boost Your Marketing Reach And Results With X Social Feedback Loop

The X Social Feedback Loop supercharges your legal advertising results with real-time metrics so you can act and react according to the most recent data.

It gives your marketing team the ability to:

The reports and metrics in the X Social Feedback Loop continually update for seamless, case-by-case, data-driven conversions. This tool identifies ad campaigns that have the potential to increase overall reach and lets us react to that information for optimal performance.

Fast data feedback means X Social Media managers have an advantage because we can work in a flexible, focused environment that works to maximize your marketing dollars and save your law firm money.

The Marketing Advantage of the X Social Feedback Loop

In addition to its many features, the X Social Feedback Loop gives you the opportunity to implement measures designed to reduce client acquisition costs. Your marketing team will have the ability to identify your best and worst-performing campaigns and ads. The X Social Feedback Loop will show you precisely where to focus your marketing dollars to maximize conversions and eliminate wasteful spending.

The X Social Feedback Loop is easy to install because it is a hosted service with a minimal application programming interface (API) connection, which makes access quick and easy. You can access and use the tool from almost any browser on your laptop, mobile device, or tablet.

Optimize Your End Results With The X Social Feedback Loop

Advertising is only effective if it hits the right target. Measuring your marketing matrix could be an effective way to make sure that your marketing is hitting its mark. With comprehensive, easy-to-understand dashboard reporting, you can optimize your marketing results with the X Social Feedback Loop. We wxrk hard to provide each client with a truly customized marketing experience.

Contact X Social Media today at (888) 670-0006 to find out how this marketing and measuring tool can help your law firm grow.

Legal Marketing Tactics to Find Mass Tort Clients

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

Knowing your legal practice needs to find mass torts clients and knowing how to find those clients are two very different things. Knowing the legal marketing tactics to find mass tort clients can help your law practice reach this specialized group of men and women is critical to marketing and advertising success.

Once you understand the impact mass tort marketing can have on your law firm and on its growth potential, you can complete our questionnaire and start the process of working with us to develop marketing tactics that lead to new mass tort clients. Start by deciding which types of mass tort cases you want to represent.

Choose Your Mass Tort Practice Area

Mass tort cases cover multiple clients with the same underlying grievance against the same company. They are born out of flawed, faulty, or otherwise defective products that cause unexpected harm or injuries to unsuspecting consumers. Mass tort claims can involve medication side effects, medical device failures, or even damaging sexual abuse.

The diversity of potential mass tort claims means your law firm has to define which cases you want to pursue, so you can then target your ads. Of course, your firm can represent more than one type of mass tort lawsuit, but you can make custom, personalized ads for each of your mass tort practice areas.

Delving into legal marketing tactics to find mass tort clients means your firm knows the scope and reach of effective marketing. It also means you know the value and importance of defining your ideal clients through dynamic ads and compelling landing pages.

Define Your Ideal Client to Generate Quality Leads

Defining your ideal client is a key component of marketing for any business. It carries even more importance when your law firm is attempting to market to potential mass tort clients. For your clients, their product use and their subsequent injury, harm, side effects, and danger are critical to your marketing.

For potential mass tort clients, their hope for recompense through financial compensation and their realization that they are not alone in their injuries (or in their fight for compensation) are also key marketing points.

When your firm commits to legal marketing tactics to find mass tort clients, all these elements of the ideal marketing plan come into play. They are also relevant to the imagery and content that builds landing pages and social media ads in order to reach potential clients, convert them into actual clients, and add them to existing mass tort claims or build new mass tort claims around them.

Reach Your Potential Clients Where They Are

Your law firm can use legal marketing tactics to find mass tort clients and position yourself where your clients already are. With the number of Facebook users in the United States nearing 221 million, you may want to include dynamic Facebook ads in your marketing repertoire.

Another legal marketing tactic you could use is custom landing page creation. You can direct social media users to a website that allows you to gather their information, so you can determine if their case fits your mass tort needs at a later date.

Reach Mass Tort Clients With Specialized Legal Marketing Tactics

At X Social Media, our Xperts wxrk hard to leverage legal marketing tactics that find mass tort clients via landing pages and social media marketing methods. With a dedicated account manager and a customized ad creation experience, your law firm can stand out in an already crowded marketplace.

Get the Custom Care You Need to Create Effective Mass Tort Marketing

We go the extra mile to make sure your ads meet state bar association marketing guidelines—even if you market in more than one state. We wxrk hard to ensure you receive a personalized experience built on your law firm’s brand and the types of mass tort claims you represent.

We are prepared to customize your experience with a marketing campaign that helps you effectively recruit new plaintiffs for mass tort litigation. Your dedicated account manager will explain the process and answer any of your questions.

We also set up a Facebook page (if your firm does not already have one) and create custom landing pages that drive traffic to your website, gain qualified leads, and capture relevant lead information. Called landers, these pages help your law firm capture qualified leads with a 2-step lead qualification process. Years of extensive testing led to our landing page designs which build on your law firm’s vision and our expertise.

Facebook and Instagram marketing is our specialty. We use our knowledge and experience in this industry to show you how to grow your law firm by investing in Facebook ads and marketing campaigns geared specifically toward mass tort client acquisition.

Call X Social Media, LLC today at (888) 670-0006 so we can start building landing pages and social campaigns that help grow your law practice.

How to Market a Mass Torts Practice Area

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

Is your law firm looking for new, innovative, proven ways to reach new mass tort clients? At X Social Media, we know the strategies and components that go into making a successful plan to market a mass torts practice area for your firm.

Your law firm should have a landing page and social media presence specifically geared toward reaching and retaining potential clients for the mass torts area of your law practice.

Our strategy is to create the mass tort marketing products your law firm needs with a focus on your online and social presence, geographic location, and target audience. After we delve into learning about your law firm and compile the data we need, we get to wxrk creating a mass tort marketing plan geared toward your firm and built with our expert industry knowledge.

Develop A Full Mass Tort Marketing Plan

Mass tort lawsuits bring multiple clients together in pursuit of a common defendant. From a marketer’s perspective, that understanding is the first identifier of your target demographic. It gives us a starting point for crafting exceptional campaigns that focus on your law firm and its needs.

We start with a landing page that is based on expansive testing and honed to convert. We are also a specialized advertising agency with a focus on Facebook and Instagram marketing for law firms. We take your existing online presence and optimize it to grab attention and generate qualified leads.

When you need to know how to market the mass torts practice area of your law firm, you want X Social Media. Our landing pages and social media ad campaigns create connections and clicks that convert into clients.

Landing Mass Tort Clients With Landing Pages

We know the power and draw of an attention-grabbing landing page, so we wxrk hard to create the right combination of content, imagery, and calls to action on the landers we create for you. The custom landing pages we construct for your law firm:

  • Feature two-step lead generation
  • Are optimized for lead conversion
  • Are based on your vision
  • Are built with our expertise

After the design of your landing page is complete and your landing page is live, we stay by your side. We stay with you to ensure your landing page turns clicks into conversions and potential clients into signed clients. Our landing page designers wxrk hard to build a landing page with your vision and our knowledge of how to market a mass torts practice area.

Facebook Marketing That Drives Conversions

With 214 million Americans on Facebook, your target audience is there, too. That means Facebook is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for your law firm to get noticed by your potential clients when they are already browsing social media.

Part of the marketing appeal of Facebook is its portability because your target audience is carrying it around in their hands on their smartphones and mobile devices that rarely leave their side. Our individually handcrafted Facebook ads provide your law firm with an ROI on your mass tort ad campaigns.

Each campaign is stocked with ads that generate qualified leads, high conversion rates, and increased client lists with engaging storytelling and masterful brand appeal. No second-guessing or generic ads here–we start off with an informative questionnaire that tells us your company’s specific needs, your target market’s makeup, and your client acquisition goals.

The X Social Media Marketing Edge

When your law firm adds mass torts to its practice areas or is ready to grow its existing mass tort practice area, invest in Facebook advertising with X Social Media. We even set up a Facebook page for you if you do not already have one and build custom landing pages that drive traffic to your website.

What we do is very different because of the scale of our ads and our ability to wxrk with you and your team to make sure your mass torts marketing converts ad clicks into clients.

Ask your XPert about the Feedback Loop technology that enables us to advertise based on real-time conversions that increase your ROI. If you want to find innovative ways to attract people to your law firm through custom landing pages and pre-qualified leads on Facebook, call an X Social Media Facebook Xpert today.

Build Your Mass Torts Practice Area With Strategic Marketing

When your law practice is ready to gain new clients for its mass torts practice area, the right marketing mix might be just what you need for success. Explore new marketing methods and learn how to market a mass torts practice area with the team at X Social Media. Call us today at (888) 670-0006 to start building or growing this important area of your law practice.

How to Find Roundup Cases With Facebook Ads

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

When you are ready to grow your firm and its mass tort clientele by investing in Facebook advertising, X Social Media can help. Mass torts are a savvy way to grow your law practice—especially when you combine them with the power and impact of social media marketing. With our guidance, you can learn how to find Roundup cases with Facebook ads.According to the Pew Research Center, roughly 69% of American adults use Facebook, and nearly 3/4 of those users visiting the site on a daily basis. With access to this robust volume of traffic, your law practice can find its target audience. The right marketing mix means that your law firm can grab the attention of the millions of people scrolling through their Facebook feeds every day.

Do not miss out on this great opportunity for your law firm to educate potential new clients on the dangers of Roundup and their potential to participate in a financial settlement.

Roundup Mass Tort Marketing Best Practices

With recent studies providing evidence of a link between exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, and certain types of cancer, your law firm can gain clients with short- and long-term exposure to the harmful effects of this dangerous chemical.

The key to finding new Roundup clients is educating them on the financial benefit of joining a Roundup mass tort claim. We are an advertising agency that specializes in Facebook and Instagram. When we help your law firm find Roundup cases with Facebook ads, we follow these legal marketing principles:

  • We know the importance of sticking to the law, so we follow all bar marketing guidelines for every ad and campaign we create.
  • We do one thing and we do it well: paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram that produces targeted, profitable results.
  • If you do not have an existing Facebook business account, we will help you set one up.
  • We do not take brand management or social media control out of your hands by taking over your Facebook page.

We create concentrated Facebook ads and campaigns that speak to the needs of clients who were harmed by Roundup’s products and their desire to be compensated. The targeted ads get clicks that convert to clients and provide you with the custom client experience your law firm deserves.

Roundup Marketing Via Facebook Ads

The X Social experience does not create generic Roundup ads. We treat each client like the individual law firm they are and point out the benefits of working with YOU. We target potential clients in your geographic area—even if you have more than one—and drive traffic right to your website.

We also build, analyze, and upload customer lists. These lists let us know which customers to target, which to exclude, and how to reach them on your behalf. We speak to your potential clients’ pain points, appeal to them with a feasible solution, and capture vital lead information.

We know the keys and algorithms that play a huge role in how to find Roundup cases with Facebook ads. Maximizing your ad spend and ad scope are the goals of an effective Roundup marketing campaign. When we craft your Facebook ads, we provide you with a dedicated account manager, and a tracking experience monitors your Roundup ads and makes real-time adjustments along the way.

Power Up Your Roundup Ad Campaign

When the team at X Social Media creates a Roundup campaign for your law firm, we custom design a campaign to recruit plaintiffs for Roundup mass tort cases. We specialize in campaigns that show law firms precisely how to find Roundup cases with Facebook ads.

We create Facebook ads that target clients who used Roundup products, reach specific geographic locations, and produce viable leads that generate new cases. At X Social Media, we do not put up an ad and hope for the best. We wxrk with you and your team to make sure your funnel converts leads into clients. When you start a new Roundup campaign, ask your dedicated XPert about our Feedback Loop technology, which enables us to advertise based on real-time conversions.

Find Roundup Cases With Facebook Ads

Client acquisition is an important part of law firm marketing. While client acquisition takes on many forms, Facebook ads are one of the most effective. Contact our marketing firm when your law firm is ready to uncover new ways to make social media advertising wxrk for you. Learn how to find Roundup cases with Facebook ads that get quality clicks that lead to new clients. Call X Social Media at (888) 670-0006 to start generating interest in your firm’s Roundup mass tort cases.

Should Lawyers Use Social Media?

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

Lawyers should use social media, but in a way that benefits rather than harms your firm. If you’re on the fence and asking should lawyers use social media, the answer is yes because social media can be a powerful marketing tool for lawyers. While it is important that your firm or law group have a strong social media presence, it is equally important the right team develops and maintains it. We want to be that team for you.

Using a professional Facebook advertising agency like X Social Media can reduce your headache when it comes to handling your marketing efforts. We have the industry knowledge regarding best practices for both Facebook and Instagram and we specialize in legal marketing.

The legal sector is a competitive one and there is a complexity in answering the question of how should lawyers use social media. If you are not utilizing Facebook to attract clients, chances are your competition is. Do not let the competition outpace you in reaching the same target audience. Start utilizing Facebook as an important marketing tool now, with the help of X Social Media.

Lawyers should use social media to build a strong client base, however, they should also trust the process to certified Facebook Xperts. To learn more about how X Social Media can help you with advertising your legal services, call (888) 670-0006 today.

Massive Reach for Mass Tort Leads

Facebook is built upon a system of likes, followers, comments, shares, and reviews. One of the most powerful components of this system is that of “shares”. There are a variety of reasons why people share a post. Some of these reasons include that a user:

Potential clients seeking your services are likely to rely upon the Facebook ratings and reviews left by past clients to determine whether to contact you. These are the clients who are actively searching for a lawyer regarding a mass tort case.

Facebook advertising is a great avenue for reaching potential clients who do not yet realize they need a lawyer. Educating target audiences about legal action involving dangerous products is another valuable tool of Facebook advertising. Ignoring the potential of a whole new audience can’t be denied as a negative if you’re questioning should lawyers use social media.

Utilizing Facebook to secure the best leads possible is only beneficial if used in a consistent and strategic manner. Clients who search for legal representation for a mass tort case can quickly lose faith in your services if your information is stagnant and out of date.

X Social Media dedicates itself to the legal sector and specializes in building successful campaigns for mass tort cases. Our staff knows Facebook inside and out. From creating landing pages to directing traffic to your website, we understand the urgency and careful planning social media demands for your business to succeed. Call X Social Media at Call X Social Media at (888) 670-0006.

Let X Social Media Handle Your Facebook Marketing

At X Social Media, we understand that time is a precious commodity for you and your staff. A strong Facebook strategy requires careful thought and an ability to focus. Your potential clients’ cases demand your complete attention. In that same vein, we assign each of our own clients their own dedicated digital marketing manager, helping to put your mind at ease regarding your Facebook marketing.

Posting to Facebook in a hurry or posting information that lacks the ability to engage potential clients can do more damage than good. One false step can lead to the wrong kinds of shares of your post and harm to your firm’s reputation.

Facebook Advertising Done Right

X Social Media takes great pride in serving law firms throughout the United States. Our handle on both the legal sector and Facebook advertising places our agency in the right position to help you.

Facebook is here to stay, making it imperative that you add it to your list of important marketing tools. Mass tort cases are a great fit for a Facebook advertising campaign that can create awareness and generate leads for you.

Our team creates effective questionnaires and incorporates your brand into campaigns for your Facebook advertising. We not only create content but analyze and deliver the results in a way that is easy to understand.

Let X Social Media handle your Facebook and Instagram marketing plan by taking your accounts from the ordinary to the extraordinary. We use dynamic imagery, video, and relatable content that attracts the eye of clients searching for legal services.

To learn more about how X Social Media can help you, contact us today. By learning more about your marketing goals, our team can begin work developing a campaign that reaches your target audience.

Our friendly and professional staff enjoys making Facebook advertising work for legal offices of all sizes and in all parts of the United States. Contact X Social Media today: (888) 670-0006.

How Can Law Firms Advertise Their Services?

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

Like most businesses, law firms rely on advertising to get the word out about their services. They can do so in the following ways:

Unlike other businesses, law firms must follow strict guidelines set by the American Bar Association (and some by their own state bar associations).

These guidelines are a list of rules regarding what law firms can and cannot do when developing advertising content for specific audiences. The popularity of social media sites like Facebook and Instagram makes advertising both an affordable and useful tool for reaching potential clients. Balancing bar association rules with your social media advertising is where X Social Media, LLC can help your firm thrive.

At X Social Media, LLC we create campaigns for mass tort campaigns that include such features as compelling graphics and effective questionnaires. Our marketing and advertising team works with law firms throughout the United States.

Law Firm Advertising Laws Have Adapted to Social Media Popularity

The core rules that apply to law firm advertising on television, radio, or in print also apply to social media. The increased popularity of social media channels as a way to reach consumers prompted an update in advertising rules by the American Bar Association. These updates include:

One of the key takeaways from these updated rules is the term “communications” replacing the previous language of “advertising”. Social media prompted this change, due to the fact that in addition to advertising on Facebook or Instagram, a simple post can violate some association rules.

An example of such a violation could be a post regarding updated information about a mass tort case. The post may mislead followers or be a false statement—conduct that violates bar association guidelines.

Social Media Can Be Confusing and a Necessary Advertising Medium for Lawyers

Engaging potential clients on social media is especially tricky for law firms, due to the ethics and rules involved. Some state bar association rules add additional regulations regarding how firms can solicit and engage clients (like New York, for instance).

However, a social media presence is a must for any business. With 81 percent of adults using Facebook, the social media giant isn’t going away anytime soon. Not having a Facebook or Instagram account for your law firm is an untapped resource for growing your client base. Having an account on both (yet neglecting them) can negatively impact public perception about your firm.

Working with a marketing and advertising agency that specializes in social media advertising can relieve your confusion. The ever-changing world of Facebook and Instagram—when it comes to algorithms, privacy concerns, and other related issues—can be explained by social media experts.

We Help Law Firms Advertise Their Services on Social Media

At X Social Media, LLC, we understand the time constraints many lawyers experience on a daily basis. With court dates and client meetings, there is no time for posting, monitoring, or advertising a Facebook or Instagram account.

Our professional online marketers combine their marketing skills and legal knowledge to create marketing plans and campaigns that reach potential clients. Our approach is specifically designed to enhance your firm’s brand and to comply with all bar association rules.

X Social Media, LLC assigns each client their own account manager. This personalized service signals our commitment to helping you reach your marketing goals.

No matter which state is home to your firm, we can help you reach the right target audience in your targeted community. From mass tort to personal injury cases, our team can help you promote your services ethically and responsibly. We can help your firm utilize Facebook and Instagram in a way that meets bar association guidelines

Call to Learn More About Our Advertising Plans for Law Firms

Your clients and their cases deserve your full attention. The team at X Social Media, LLC provides the social media presence your firm wants and creates campaigns designed to reach potential clients. Your account manager works with you to learn about your firm, team, and objectives.

Facebook and Instagram advertising can streamline your message to potential clients about mass tort cases and more. Using social media to advertise what dangerous products are part of civil actions can serve to educate and inform those who used those products. Knowing there are options for pursuing possible justice can lead potential clients to your website for more information.

Generating qualitative leads is what we do. Facebook and Instagram advertising plans are how we do it. Let X Social Media, LLC show you how we can help your firm with its social media goals by calling us today at (888) 670-0006.

How Public Opinion Shapes Mass Torts

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

The connection between public opinion and mass torts is clear. Through mass torts, millions of Americans become aware of the dangers of certain products. There is often a public outcry against the companies that manufacture items that harm many thousands of people.

When investigations and the pre-trial discovery process in mass tort litigation uncover evidence that a company knew of the likely injuries but made and sold its dangerous products anyway—merely in the name of making money—the reputation of that corporation can become tarnished.

When the general public begins to see a particular corporation as a heartless organization that does not value human life or safety, people may be less hesitant to file a lawsuit against that company. “Putting profits over people” is a popular phrase used to describe the kinds of actions that negligent companies exhibit after it becomes public knowledge that they acted in their own interest (to the detriment of the consumer). You often hear this language in mass tort advertisements that influence the public to get involved.

How Mass Tort Advertising Educates the Public

Nationwide advertising to recruit plaintiffs for a specific mass tort lawsuit circulated by personal injury lawyers—like the shingles vaccine cases—informs people who might otherwise not be aware that a product is unreasonably dangerous. Most people assume that there are some risks with any medical procedure. So, if they had an adverse outcome, these individuals might shrug their shoulders and think that they merely had terrible luck.

When someone sees an advertisement about a product they used, the person might learn that the pharmaceutical company deceived doctors and patients about known risks of the product and how the liable company exaggerated the product’s effectiveness. Also, the legal ads might help a person connect their harm to the product that caused the damage.

Let us say that someone died from a ruptured blood vessel after having a stent placed in his heart surgically. The surviving loved ones might not realize that some defective stents can come apart, and the sharp pieces of the stent can travel through the blood vessels, ripping them open. Only when they see a mass tort lawyer’s advertisement do the survivors realize that the stent might be the cause of their loved one’s death.

Specific Examples of Public Opinion Guiding Mass Tort Litigation

When public sentiment is negative about some segments of the business world, mass tort lawyers might be more likely to bring lawsuits against companies in those sectors.

There was a great deal of ill will toward the banking industry after the great recession that officially began in 2007 in the United States. Greedy mortgage companies and other lenders issued high-risk mortgages that—along with mortgage-backed securities and derivatives—led to the collapse of the U.S. housing market.

Fallout from the Great Recession

Many people lost their jobs, homes, and life savings during the recession. Their credit ratings got slashed. They had to sell off their investments and cash out their retirement accounts at bargain-basement prices just to survive. The banking and investment companies, however, received massive bailouts—in addition to the extraordinary profits they had already made from their reckless actions that caused the economic crisis.

It is no surprise that there has been a flood of lawsuits against banks for fraud, fake accounts, and other unethical behavior in the years since the recession. Wells-Fargo, for example, settled a civil lawsuit in 2020 for $3 billion for fraudulent business operations, according to NBC News reporting. Public sentiment tends to cheer on such lawsuits against huge corporations that treat individuals as if they have no value.

Tailoring Mass Tort Advertising to Sync with Public Sentiment

At X Social Media, we offer the full range of services that lawyers need when recruiting plaintiffs for mass tort litigation. We can create unique content that educates the public about dangerous products and the harm they can cause. We can craft a marketing plan and design a campaign tailored for the geographic markets you select.

We can provide:

These are but a few examples of the many advertising and marketing services we provide for law firms.

Social Media and Mass Torts

We specialize in Facebook and Instagram campaign planning because most of your likely clients spend time there regularly. Investing in well-written Facebook advertising can help to grow your business. We can create a Facebook page for you or optimize the one you already have. The landing pages we build can grab the attention of your target market and direct traffic to your website.

When we handle your marketing, you can devote your time and attention to the practice of law. We know how busy attorneys are, and we respect that fact. We are an advertising agency that prides itself on delivering personal service that will amaze you. We assign a Dedicated Digital Marketing Manager to every one of our clients, so they always have someone to contact directly with questions.

You can call X Social Media, LLC, today at (888) 670-0006 to get started.

What Are Legal Ads?

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

Legal ads are advertisements that help legal firms generate leads for new clients. They educate potential new clients about the existence of mass tort cases and guide them to a firm’s web pages. More of these ads are found on social media these days, like on Facebook or Instagram.

If you are a law firm who wants to grow your client base, X Social Media, can help by designing social media ads based on your individual needs and company goals. Ads on social media reach are extremely effective and reach an ever-growing number of people. In fact, according to Investopedia, about 214 million Americans are on Facebook alone—about 81% of the population.

Many who have problems with products and devices are unaware of the possibility of recovering damages through a mass tort lawsuit. An ad from your firm may educate them. It makes sense to be at the forefront by utilizing ads designed to catch their attention.

How Legal Ads Secure New Leads

Internet growth has been explosive in recent years, and with it comes an accompanying growth in internet advertising. For legal firms, advertising on web sites has replaced advertising in the phone book. Instead of competing for customers through print ads, the focus is now on search engine optimization (SEO). The goal is to have your website highly ranked on search engines for certain keywords so that potential new clients access your website.

Legal ads on social media utilize the most popular sites—such as Facebook and Instagram—to drive potential customers to your website. Some law firms might not have yet discovered the benefit of social media legal ads.

Many social media users are potential clients who do not even realize that they can be legally compensated for damages they have received from a defective medication, product, or device. Their injuries and pain and suffering may merit compensation through a mass tort lawsuit. The goal of legal ads is to catch the attention of these potential clients by:

Social media legal ads are also quicker and easier to set up than ads on TV or radio, which can take days or weeks to prepare and run.

How X Social Media, Helps Law Firms

X Social Media, is an advertising agency that specializes in Facebook and Instagram ads for law firms. We start by assessing each law firm’s needs and areas of specialization. This information is then used to design social media ads that include:

Once you have identified your focus topic, we design each page specific to your needs and the clients you wish to attract. Your ad should promote your specific practice areas and also use specific clients and their cases as examples, if possible. We may help you create a short video to attract more attention on social media than if we just use static images and text.

We offer service nationwide, with focus on the following practice areas:

We can help your practice generate leads for other types of cases as well.

Developing Your Firm’s Landing Page

To create customized pages, you will work hand in hand with our designers so that we fully understand your vision and needs. When you hire us, you will be given a Dedicated Digital Marketing Manager to assist you and answer all of your questions.

We will set up a Facebook page for you if you do not already have one. We provide live tracking reports so you can see what traffic you are generating. We can provide input on any trends that we notice.

We can gear your pages to your specific firm’s needs by considering factors such as cost and client target. We can tailor a program based on your current budget and adjust it as your needs change and you can select the audience you hope to reach by:

We are ready to hear how we can shape your legal social media ad campaign today,

Get Help Attracting Clients Today

Potential clients are waiting for you on social media, so do not miss out. Contact our X Social Team now to find out how we can help grow your law firm’s client base. Call an XPert at (888) 670-0006 to learn more today.

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