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Archive for June, 2020

What Type of Facebook Ad Should I Run For My Law Firm?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin
The kind of Facebook ad your law firm should run will depend on what you are trying to accomplish with your marketing campaign. Whether you want to build your law firm’s brand, get noticed, increase public awareness of a legal issue, or generate new business for your firm, a well-written Facebook ad could help you reach your destination.

Your intention might be general, like increasing your client base and law firm revenues. Some law firms want to target specific new clients, like people who got harmed by exposure to asbestos in the workplace.

How Facebook Ads Send Traffic to Your Law Firm Website

If you already have a Facebook page, a social media advertising agency could update it to work better for you. At our agency, we can upgrade your existing Facebook page or build a new one for you. We create custom landing pages for each of your marketing campaigns.

For example, you might want to go after clients with possible claims for harm from Round Up, Invokana, or the shingles vaccine. You do not have to confuse the reader by having all three of these separate topics on one landing page. We can make a unique landing page for each of the three subjects.

We use eye-catching images that attract attention. Once we capture the reader’s interest with graphics, we can educate the individual about the type of lawsuit. We might share information about symptoms, complications, and causes of injuries from defective products.

The Facebook landing page can then capture the prospective client’s contact information to make it easier for you to convert the person from a lead to a client. We can prescreen leads so that you do not waste your time on people who do not qualify for the litigation. We can ask a few simple questions in a user-friendly format. The prospects who are eligible can get sent to your law firm website.

The Benefits of Facebook Ads for Attorneys

Unlike traditional advertisements in media, like newspapers and television, Facebook ads offer great flexibility at a lower cost. Traditional ads do not prequalify potential clients or gather their contact information for you.

We track the results of Facebook marketing campaigns with precision so that you always know what worked best. It is guesswork to try to correlate traditional marketing methods to results. You merely know that you spent a certain amount of money on some ads. After that, your business either increased or it did not. Any change to your client base could be from an unrelated cause.

You can target a narrow niche or cast a wide net with Facebook ads for your law firm. You might want to go after one manufacturer of one model of a chainsaw, or you might want to let the world know that your law firm merged with another. You can tailor your Facebook ads to create a perfect fit for your goals.

We Help You Create Facebook Ads That Do Not Look Like Marketing

Depending on your area of practice, you might generate lots of new leads by giving away information for free. That might sound counterintuitive, but people trust companies that help them without asking for anything in return. You can build your brand as a law firm that cares about people and wants to help them.

When you share information that people can find useful, they are likely to stay on your site longer. So that potential clients can get more information, your Facebook ad can send them to your law firm’s website. At that point, potential clients may already feel as if they have a relationship with you.

Why Facebook Ads Work

According to the Pew Research Center, about 70 percent of American adults are on Facebook. That number has remained constant since 2016. Facebook leaves Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Reddit in the dust when it comes to daily users. Nearly three out of four adult Facebook users visit the social media platform at least once on a daily basis.

Many businesses find Facebook ads to be an effective marketing tool because their audience is already there. You do not have to go out in search of your intended market. You merely need to tap into that audience with targeted ads that make the most of Facebook’s guidelines and algorithms.

Facebook provides useful information about the demographics of its users, such as their gender, age, level of education, personal traits, interests, and ad preferences. The more you know about your intended audience, the more effectively you can reach your desired market.

How to Use Facebook Ads to Your Law Firm’s Advantage

When you put your name out there to the public, you want to look professional. An ad that looks amateur can damage your law firm’s reputation. Working with an advertising agency that specializes in helping lawyers grow their practices can help you project the image you want.

At X Social Media, we want to help you reach your goals of financial success. You can call us today at (888) 670-0006 to get started.

Should My Law Firm Be on Instagram?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin
Yes, your law firm should have a presence on Instagram if it wants to stay competitive. Instagram can be a highly effective marketing tool, particularly when used in concert with other social media platforms, like Facebook.

Instagram has the advantage of immediacy by getting your message out to your existing and potential clients in real-time. Your audience can feel as if they are having a conversation with you. When people feel engaged, they are more likely to come on board as a client and hire you to handle their legal matters.

Build Your Law Firm’s Brand Online

In the past, significant commercial brands needed to spend millions of dollars and many years to create an image for themselves in the eyes of the consumer. Thanks to social media tools like Instagram, a law firm can craft their image with regular postings. This type of brand building is far more effective than traditional marketing.

Savvy use of hashtags lets you tap into specific niches that you want to reach. People who identify with certain hashtags will want to connect with your firm because they will see you as “like-minded.”

Hashtags can be a gold mine for your firm’s online presence, sending scores of leads to your Facebook page or your firm’s website. People tend to follow others who use the hashtags that interest them, which means that they will see your future Instagram postings as well.

Gain New Cases From Your Existing Clients

You can use Instagram to educate your existing clientele about your areas of practice and recent success stories. Let’s say that you handled a mesothelioma case for a family. Later, if a member of that family gets severely injured by a dangerous prescription drug, they can see your Instagram posts about that medication, which could lead that family member to turn to you again for legal consultation.

Your existing clients might think your firm only handles the specific type of case that they initially reached out to you for. If they see your Instagram posts about different kinds of lawsuits, they can realize that you could help them in a new case.

Expand Your Reach to New Prospects

It seems as if there is a new social media platform nearly every day. Despite this fact, only Facebook and YouTube have more American adult users than Instagram when you compare social media trends in the United States. In this regard, every law firm should be on Instagram. When you integrate Instagram and Facebook into your marketing campaign, you can reach a massive audience.

If you advertise in a print magazine or newspaper, you only reach the people who read those publications. Even if the reader notices your ad, they will likely throw the print item out after looking at it one time.

About 60 percent of Instagram users hop onto the site daily, and many use Instagram more than once a day. If they do not see your Instagram posts immediately, they can see them later, particularly if they follow you.

Your followers can share your Instagram posts on their Instagram stories, Facebook, and other social media platforms, which can expand your reach well beyond your followers. Some of the people who see your posts through shares might become followers, and the cycle repeats, which increases the net you can cast with every additional Instagram post.

Instagram and Offers They Cannot Refuse

A well-written Instagram ad can bump up your client base by making time-limited offers to bring in new business. You can promote your webinars, provide promo codes for an e-book that you give to clients, and run other special promotions. We write tasteful content to make sure that your brand and reputation get enhanced—not diminished—by these Instagram offers.

Celebrate Your Victories

Americans love winners. The World Series and the Super Bowl attest to this fact. People want to associate with people and companies that succeed.

When you announce your settlement and litigation wins on your Instagram account, you reinforce to your clients and your intended audience that your firm is the right choice for people who want to be victorious. When someone sees, for example, that you won $5 million for a client, they may think of you when they need a lawyer for a similar matter.

Because Instagram is in real-time, your followers and potentially their followers can feel as if they are celebrating with you. Positive and uplifting content can help potential clients remember your law firm in the future.

How X Social Media Can Help With Your Law Firm’s Instagram Marketing

X Social Media is an advertising agency that specializes in Instagram and Facebook marketing. We are excited to help law firms grow so that they can help more people. We want to help you get the best results for your marketing budget.

All of our clients have a Dedicated Digital Marketing Manager they can contact for questions or ideas for a new campaign. Let us amaze you with our personalized service. You can call us today at (888) 670-0006 to find out how we can help your law firm.

Can Social Media Help Grow My Law Firm?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

Yes, social media can help grow your law firm. Having a presence on social media can help to create your brand identity, get the word out about your law practice, and develop relationships with potential clients.

You might already be on social media as an individual, but not yet feel comfortable using this tool to increase your business. Here are some of the reasons you might want to consider taking advantage of social media to generate more clients:

You Do Not Have to Become an Expert in Marketing

You went to law school to practice law, not spend your time learning about marketing, algorithms, and computers. You might worry that if you try to make a splash on social media for your law firm, it might look amateur and do your reputation more harm than good.

No worries. There are advertising agencies that specialize in social media as a means of helping businesses become more successful. You tell us your goals and the types of clients you want to attract, and we can take it from there.

Your Potential Clients Are Already on Social Media

Americans use social media on their cellphones, other mobile devices, and computers, so your message can get seen whether people are at home or on the go. The Pew Research Center says that nearly 70 percent of American adults use Facebook. Instagram is at 37 percent, but on the rise, while Facebook’s numbers have been steady for several years.

Not too long ago, if a person wanted to find a lawyer, he grabbed the nearest phone book and looked through the attorney ads. If he did not have a phonebook handy, he would have to wait until he found one to look up a lawyer and the telephone number.

A potential client can easily find a lawyer who has a prominent social media presence, regardless of the day of the week, time of day, or where the individual is at the moment. Your contact information can be available immediately to the public.

Social Media Ads Can Be Nimble and Up-to-the-Minute

Unlike advertising in prior decades, social media advertising can get changed whenever you decide to modify the message. For example, you might target harmful prescription drugs for a while and then launch another type of mass tort campaign after you learn about a new defective product. You can run multiple campaigns for different kinds of lawsuits.

Targeted Social Media Advertising Helps You Spend Less Money to Reach Your Audience

Back when advertising was in print or on the radio and television, law firms had to pay a lot of money to get their message out to the entire public so that they could reach the people they wanted to attract as clients. Thanks to algorithms on social media platforms, you can get the results you want without having to waste money on irrelevant portions of the market.

Social Media Can Be Interactive

“Old school” advertising was not a conversation. Agencies had to shout their message and hope that the right people heard it.

Social media offers two-way communication. When a potential client can interact with you or your message, the individual can feel more connected and engaged. This feeling can increase the likelihood of that person converting from a lead to a client.

Facebook and Instagram allow people to ask questions, post comments, and get feedback right away. You can learn more about your target market, which can help you fine-tune your marketing campaigns.

Social Media Can Be a Rich Source of Information for Your Clients

Unlike traditional marketing, which could only present some catchphrases and slogans for the potential client, social media allows you to provide a wealth of information about your law firm. You can anticipate the questions a prospective client might ask and answer those issues. This approach can make it convenient for a client to decide to hire you because they do not have to wait until business hours to contact your office.

Social media advertising highlights your law firm on platforms where your potential clients are already spending their time. Using an advertising agency that specializes in social media can give you the freedom to devote your attention to your law practice instead of marketing.

X Social Media would love to talk with you about how we can help your law firm grow. If you want to find innovative ways to attract people to your law firm through pre-qualified leads on Facebook, call an X Social Media Facebook Xpert today at (888) 670-0006.

Who Is Responsible For Mesothelioma and Cancer Caused By Asbestos?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

The makers or users of asbestos products can be liable when people develop mesothelioma or other forms of cancer from asbestos exposure. Experts say that public health organizations across the globe failed to protect the public, allowing cancers from asbestos exposure to claim millions of lives.

Since the 1970s, companies that mine, process, and distribute asbestos or make products containing asbestos have been the subjects of a multitude of lawsuits from people harmed by this substance. By the year 1991, legal experts estimate that there were 115,000 personal injury cases pending in state and federal courts across America for asbestos exposure injuries.

Mesothelioma and other asbestos cancer lawsuits continue to get filed today because it takes decades for these deadly diseases to develop after asbestos exposure. Also, people still get exposed to asbestos today.

An Overview of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that tends to target the outer layers or linings of internal organs in the abdomen and chest. Asbestos exposure on the job is the most common cause of mesothelioma. Additional potential risk factors of asbestos exposure and cancer include living near an asbestos mine or factory and living with a family member who experiences asbestos exposure in the workplace.

It can take 20 to 60 years or even more for mesothelioma to develop. You cannot escape the risk from exposure by the passage of time. With some other forms of cancer, like lung cancer, a person can reduce some of the chance of developing cancer by stopping smoking, for example. Once exposed to asbestos, however, the risk of mesothelioma does not decrease.

Additional Diseases That Asbestos Exposure Can Cause

The link between asbestos and cancer risk has long been established. Exposure to asbestos can cause other forms of cancer in addition to mesothelioma. The American Cancer Society reports that people exposed to asbestos on the job face:

Asbestos exposure can also cause scar tissue, fluid buildup, and other conditions in the lungs that make it difficult to breathe.

The Discovery of Asbestos Dangers

Asbestos used to be much more widely used in construction, roofing, shipbuilding, car parts, and many other products and industries than it is today. Asbestos was a popular insulation and fireproofing material for many years.

People started to notice in the early 1900s that people who breathed asbestos on the job tended to develop lung scarring. Few laws protected people who got harmed by dangerous products then, so little changed about the use of asbestos.

After 1950, the medical community realized that asbestos could cause cancer. It became illegal for construction companies to use asbestos when constructing houses and other buildings. Also, laws prohibited the use of asbestos for insulation and many other products.

How People Get Exposed to Asbestos Today

Although new construction cannot use asbestos, the law does not require people to remove existing asbestos from buildings. When an older house, school, or factory gets renovated, workers and people who live, work, or attend school in those buildings can get exposed to asbestos.

Specialized asbestos abatement professionals should remove asbestos when the substance is detected in a building undergoing renovation. Left undisturbed, existing asbestos under layers of other materials is not supposed to be dangerous. Old asbestos can harm people, however, when the substance is in water pipes or on the surface.

Asbestos used to be a popular material in home siding and roof shingles. If a person comes into contact with those items, there could be unwanted health consequences. Also, if a worker gets exposed to asbestos on the job, the asbestos fibers can stay on the worker’s clothing and end up in the family home, harming other members of the household. A high number of American workers still get exposed to asbestos in the workplace.

How a Legal Advertising Agency Can Help Lawyers Who Handle Mesothelioma and Other Asbestos Cancer Lawsuits

At X Social Media, we can help lawyers find potential clients who have developed mesothelioma or cancer caused by asbestos, or those who have lost a loved one to one of these diseases.

We can target the specific audience your law firm wants through ads on social media and other marketing strategies. We can help you grow your practice. Call us today at (888) 670-0006 to get started.

Who Can Be Held Responsible For Human Sex Trafficking?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments
A person might face criminal charges and civil lawsuits for human sex trafficking in one state but not in another. Every state writes its own definition of what constitutes trafficking in their human trafficking state laws. The legal definitions vary from one state to another.

Some of the descriptions of human sex trafficking include coercing the victim by:

The actual trafficker can be liable both criminally and in civil court if the conduct satisfies the state’s human or sex trafficking statutes.

The Liability of Businesses for Sex Trafficking

Although many sex traffickers are individuals or small groups of criminals, a business can be engaged in this practice. Some states provide criminal and civil penalties against business entities that knowingly participate in these crimes. Depending on the state, a company could lose its business license, get dissolved or reorganized by the court, and/or face fines as well as criminal charges.

Some commercial establishments appear to be legitimate businesses but are actually fronts for sex trafficking. Also, reputable companies in the hotel and hospitality industry might not participate actively in sex trafficking, but their employees turn a blind eye to suspicious behavior.

Since the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, there have been many additional legislative developments to ban and penalize human sex trafficking. Hotels can face criminal and civil liability if they notice possible trafficking but fail to act.

The justification for this liability is that failing to act allows the crimes to take place at the hotels. The perpetrators rent rooms at the hotels, which means that the venues receive financial gain from the illegal activity on the premises.

Indicators of Sex Trafficking at Hotels

Hotels should train their employees to report instances in which they observe possible indicators of sex trafficking. Traffickers seldom bring their sex workers to the front desk of the hotel, so hotels need to be vigilant.

The workers who are most likely to notice suspicious activities are room service and housekeeping employees. Some examples of these factors include:

Of course, some of the more obvious signs of sex trafficking include when the victim looks frightened or anxious, wears inappropriate clothing, or gets mistreated in public by the trafficker. Many criminals, however, make an effort to hide their conduct.

How Lawyers Can Help Fight the Battle Against Sex Trafficking

Attorneys can increase the awareness of human sex trafficking issues through social media that targets trafficking victims and hotel employees. You can generate leads that provide evidence that a hotel ignores suspicious behavior that endangers the victims of these crimes.

How X Social Media Can Design a Targeted Marketing Campaign

At X Social Media, we specialize in helping businesses grow through the savvy use of social media advertising on Facebook and Instagram. We take pride in delivering personalized service.

Every client receives a Dedicated Digital Marketing Manager. When you have a question or need help, you know who to call. You do not have to waste your time going through an endless loop of automated options.

We can create a Facebook page for you with a custom landing page tailored to the type of clients you seek. The landing pages serve multiple purposes, including:

One of the techniques we use is the Facebook Marketing Tool. Our expertise with this and other strategies can help increase your conversion rate. Because we pre-qualify leads, you do not waste hours of your precious time on people who do not fit the parameters of your goals.

You can call us today at (888) 670-0006 to get started. We are passionate about helping lawyers become more successful.

What Steps Lead to a Multi-District Litigation?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin No Comments

The term multidistrict litigation (MDL) refers to many individual cases that get transferred from multiple districts around the United States to one federal district court because these cases involve at least one common factual question. MDL cases originally get filed in state and federal courts around the country.

When the legal community realizes that there are hundreds or thousands of similar cases making similar allegations against a defendant or group of defendants, the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) decides whether to consolidate and transfer the cases to one federal district court. This is among the steps that lead to a multi-district litigation.

The United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation

Since 1968, the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (also called the MDL Panel) has evaluated whether to transfer individual lawsuits to one federal district. The rationale behind this process is that doing so:

The MDL Panel has two tasks:

  1. Decide if multiple cases should get transferred to one federal district because the lawsuits all contain at least one common question of fact, and
  1. Choose the judge or judges who will handle the consolidated or coordinated proceedings after such transfer.

When the MDL Panel answers the first question of common factual issues as “yes,” the individual lawsuits get transferred to the federal district the MDL Panel selected. Unlike a class action case, however, MDL lawsuits are still individual lawsuits. Any claims that do not get dismissed, settled, or resolved at trial in the MDL coordinated proceeding get transferred back to the courts where the plaintiffs filed them.

Types of MDL Cases

MDL cases tend to center around products or events that allegedly harmed a large number of people. Prescription drugs, medical devices, chemical substances, and natural or environmental disasters can lead to MDL cases.

The Steps of Multidistrict Litigation

Identifying, transferring, and administering large numbers of lawsuits from many different judicial districts around the country requires the consistent implementation of an organizational strategy. The stages might differ, depending on the subject matter of the individual lawsuits. Here are the MDL steps the courts follow in managing multidistrict litigation in products liability cases:

There might be hundreds or even thousands of individual lawsuits consolidated in one MDL action. Very little will happen in the vast majority of those cases until after the bellwether trials. The unresolved cases that get transferred back to their original courts from the MDL action can go to trial in those courts.

How a Legal Advertising Agency Can Help With MDL Lawsuits

A legal advertising agency can help you reach potential clients for lawsuits that could become part of MDL litigation. At X Social Media, we help law firms target an audience for specific kinds of legal claims. Call us today at (888) 670-0006 to find out how we can help you grow your practice.

What Is a PNC?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

A PNC is what lawyers refer to as a potential new client. For lawyers, a PNC is considered a “good lead” or a qualified lead. When looking to increase their qualified lead generation, lawyers can attract a PNC with advertising that targets a specific audience.

If your law firm is looking to attract PNCs for a mass tort, ads can be strategically placed across social media channels to pinpoint individuals that may require your law firm’s services.

One method of doing so is via social media advertising, such as through Facebook and Instagram. These popular platforms have millions of users across the U.S. and lend helpful tools that allow your marketing team to measure user engagement and client conversion.

Using Facebook and Instagram Ads to Attract a PNC

With so many daily active users, Facebook and Instagram are considered marketing giants in today’s digital advertising world. In fact, according to Facebook’s fourth-quarter 2019 report, the site features over 1.66 billion daily users worldwide.

Facebook and Instagram are constantly collecting user information, some of which is voluntarily given by an individual user, some of which is generated based on their search history.

The user metrics on Facebook and Instagram allow you to target users based on their:

When your law firm is ready to run an ad campaign around a specific practice area or mass tort, your ads can be hyper-focused to attract qualified leads. For instance, if your law firm is looking to run an ad campaign for a specific product liability tort, your ads can be tailored around the product itself or the manufacturer through various user metrics.

Furthermore, you can improve your law firm’s PNC count by diving into the enhanced audience data gathered from your ad campaign. This data can tell your law firm about the types of users that clicked on or engaged with your ads. From there, you can track which ads have worked and which ads have not.

PNC’s and Custom Landing Pages

Once a PNC encounters your ads on social media, they will need a call to action that influences them to follow through with your services. After clicking on your ad, they can be directed to your law firm’s custom landing page.

Custom landing pages are a tool used to determine whether or not a PNC is qualified to participate in a mass tort based on their answers to various questions. These inquiries can relate specifically to your ad’s purpose, such as the side effects of a drug, damages from a product, and other valuable details. Many custom landing pages also ask for a PNC to provide their contact information, which then allows your law firm to directly follow-up with your services.

Increase Your Law Firm’s Reach With X Social Media

At X Social Media, we understand the potential that advertising on Facebook and Instagram has to offer. Our goal is to create a digital marketing campaign that puts your law firm on the newsfeeds of millions of users at any given time. Not only can this work to boost your client conversion, but it can also help to establish your brand and image at the same time.

Right now, you might be seeking to gather clients for a mass tort. Yet, no matter how genuine your intentions are or how dedicated your law firm is, if you cannot reach the people where they are, you risk being invisible.

Some of the ways that we can promote your law firm’s success include:

We wxrk with you and your team to make sure that PNCs get through your funnel and convert.

Call X Social Media Today to Learn More

At X Social Media, our passion is to see your law firm grow its reach across the web, while also providing you with a customized experience. We use our expert industry knowledge to review what digital marketing plan you already have in place and, from there, take measures to boost its influence.

Each client gets their own account manager who will serve as your point person for any questions or concerns you may have as we implement your social media marketing plan. If you want to find innovative ways to attract people to your law firm through pre-qualified leads on Facebook and Instagram, call an X Social Media Xpert today at (888) 670-0006.

Why Is Social Media Important for Law Firms?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

There is no single reason why social media is important for law firms, but some of the reasons are that social media:

Social media is a valuable tool for law firms because it can attract the right potential clients that your law firm is seeking. Whether you are running an ad campaign for a specific practice area your law firm represents—or you need to promote a mass tort—social media advertising allows for a customizable approach to identify your ideal target audience.

Social Media Helps You Reach the Right Audience

Even by posting your website’s blogs or videos on social media, you are releasing this content to people that may already be watching your firm. According to Facebook, you can even boost Facebook posts through the platform so that your posts and content can reach new audiences that could potentially require your services.

You may already have a fairly good understanding of social media advertising, but when you are looking for a more focused option, Facebook ads can be a possible solution. This is because Facebook ads allow you to post and target your ads based on four key traits of users, which include:

All of this information allows your law firm to utilize a Facebook ad campaign that is focused on the type of target audience you want to reach. For instance, if you are specifically looking to target a product liability case in a certain city, your Facebook ad campaign could be set to only run in this location—and can even pinpoint Facebook users who have interest in the party the mass tort may be filed against.

You can also potentially amass a larger following on social media platforms when you begin to boost Facebook posts or run ad campaigns. With more followers, you can expand your reach and likely be viewed as a credible and reliable source of information.

Your law firm can begin to engage your target audience by simply posting your web content (like blogs and videos) on Facebook and other social media pages. In turn, you will have created an account that potential clients can turn to when they require legal services that relate to your practice areas. Your content should be engaging and relatable, answer relevant questions, and potentially resolve their legal issues.

Social Media Can Aid in Lead Generation

Facebook ads (and social media in general) are not only a great tool to target the right audience for your campaigns, but to also add new clients to your firm’s roster. For instance, in 2018, the American Bar Association found that 35% of law firms that used social media professionally earned new clients.

A great way to begin the process of earning a new client is by implementing custom landing pages through your Facebook ads. When a user clicks on a Facebook ad, it can direct them to a custom landing page that may ask them several questions—typically Yes/No questions that relate directly to a practice area or a mass tort campaign.

These questions are a great way for your law firm to identify and qualify potential leads. After the user answers the qualification questions on your law firm’s landing page, they can then provide their contact information. From here, you may have identified a potential lead, received their questionnaire answers, and can later decide whether to contact them.

Social Media Can Help Improve Your ROI

Social media is important for lawyers because it can also improve their ROI over time. By identifying qualified leads with Facebook ads and custom landing pages, your law firm may start to experience higher conversion rates. In turn, your law firm can experience a price advantage and increased ROI when starting a mass tort ad campaign or simply by promoting your practice areas.

When using social media for marketing, law firms can track their ROI in a variety of ways. One way to track ROI is by looking into your website traffic when users are referred by social media sites. You can also measure your exposure over time, such as by number of followers or your law firm’s reach across the web.

Additional metrics to consider when using social media to increase your ROI are:

Grow Your Law Firm with Facebook Ads and X Social Media

At X Social Media, we understand just how important social media marketing is for law firms. We offer a variety of services for those looking to expand their business with Facebook ads. Every new account includes ad spending management, custom audience cultivation, dynamic ad creation, Facebook pixel implementation, and more.

Call X Social Media today at (888) 670-0006 to get started.

What Is an MDL?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin

According to the Legal Information Institute, multidistrict litigation, also known as an MDL, is a combination of similar and individual civil lawsuits that are overseen by a single federal court. An MDL is mainly used to conserve the resources of the courts, so similar legal conflicts can be addressed at once. The outcome has the potential to influence future court rulings with related allegations.

For example, let’s say that a faulty product has injured multiple claimants. Instead of having each case be assigned to different courts, all cases are wrapped into one case. While some claimants prefer having their individual case be recognized by itself, MDL offers many distinct benefits, including the ability for lawyers to work together, pieces of evidence shared among claimants, and cutting costs.

Further Examples of MDL Cases

There are several types of MDL cases that are frequently on dockets. An MDL will typically arise when many people are affected by the same product or involved in the same accident. The key for an MDL is that the cases must include one or more questions of fact.

According to information provided by the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, some MDL cases are based on:

This, of course, is not an exhaustive list of the types of cases that can be classified as an MDL.

Social Media Advertising for MDL

Advertising for an MDL can quickly become competitive. Many law firms have mass torts as a part of their practice area and employ measures that are designed to recruit clients long before the judicial system even recognizes a tort. For this reason, not only do you want your ads to reach as many people as possible, but you also want your ads to be based on verifiable data.

In the digital age, many businesses (including law firms) are turning to social media advertising. These platforms not only allow your ads to be seen by millions of users at once, but also allow access to user metrics that measure ad engagement, performance, and relevancy.

Facebook Ads

Millions of people use Facebook every day, scrolling past an infinite number of ads during their interactions with family and friends. To make the most of your marketing budget, you want your ads to only target users who are eligible to participate in various MDLs and mass torts. Facebook allows businesses to access user data so that you can determine what is your desired demographic and implement a marketing strategy based on this information.

For example, if your law firm wants clients to participate in a mass tort for a product that was discontinued in the early 2000s, you would not want to target your ads at users who never encountered the product during its use.

Some information that Facebook’s user metrics allow businesses to see include:

When marketing on Facebook, you even have the ability to target users in a certain geographic region, so that your content retains impact and relevancy.

Custom Landing Pages

Once a user clicks on your Facebook ads, they can be directed to a landing page, which prompts the user with various questions regarding their eligibility to partake in legal actions. Your law firm can create a customized landing page based on the details of the MDL you are undertaking.

Some questions that you may ask on your landing page could include:

A customized landing page allows your law firm to weed out qualified clients from those who have limited eligibility.

Grow Your Law Firm with a Legal Advertising Agency

At X Social Media, we consider ourselves digital marketing experts. Not only can we implement various advertising strategies on Facebook, but we can also integrate ad creation onto Instagram.

We understand that right now, you may have a law firm that wishes to get more clients to participate in an MDL. As the advertising landscape adjusts to current marketing trends, one element is clear: advertising on social media has unique benefits that are not associated with traditional forms of advertising.

When you call one of our Xperts at X Social Media, our goal is to create a unique marketing strategy that is designed to put you ahead of the competition. We use our expert industry knowledge to determine your target audience and launch a campaign that resonates with them.

If you want your law firm to engage in innovative ways to attract more people to your law firm through pre-qualified leads on Facebook and Instagram, call the X Social Media team today at (888) 670-0006.

What Are 3 Ways to Qualify a PNC?

Posted on: June 26th, 2020 by hennessey_admin
Law firms can qualify or even disqualify a potential new client (PNC) using custom landing pages in three ways:

Landing pages are a sufficient tool used to qualify a potential new client, or a “qualified lead,” because they include focused questions that relate to your ad campaign’s purpose or theme.

When your law firm wxrks with our legal marketing agency to generate custom, super effective landing pages, your vision is represented to your liking. By working closely with one of our designers, you can approve the layout, design, and questioning used to turn page visitors into clients.

If your law firm is running an ad campaign on mass torts covering a specific medication that has caused serious side effects, landing pages with these three guidelines can help you qualify or disqualify a PNC, based on their responses. Our custom landing pages go beyond asking the visitor for contact information, as only asking for a client’s contact information will not help your law firm know whether they are a PNC with proper qualifications.

Create Custom Landing Pages With Starter Questions

To begin qualifying a PNC, you need to attract people to your law firm’s website. Online ads should include a call to action (CTA) that directs the user to click on your ad. From here, the ad will take the user to a custom landing page, which will represent your law firm and the ad campaign you are focusing on.

A PNC can start being qualified with roughly three or four simple Yes/No questions. For example, if you are running a mass tort campaign on a recalled knee replacement system, the custom landing page may ask the following starter questions:

From here, the user can submit their Yes/No questions and potentially move further in your custom landing pages to questions that are more focused to the ad campaign.

Enhance Custom Landing Pages With Focused Questions

When looking into creating focused questions for a custom landing page, it is best to ask specific questions related to your practice area or mass tort. For instance, these focused questions may ask about a side effect to a medication or injury to target a key demographic.

These responses can give your law firm a better idea of the PNC you are working with, and you can determine if they are qualified for your services.

Always Try to Obtain the PNC’s Contact Information

The third way to qualify a PNC is by obtaining their contact information. This process allows you to further message the PNC after they have completed answering focused questions on your custom landing page. This step also allows you to contact them if you feel they are qualified for a consultation.

This approach will not only help your law firm intake more PNCs and qualified leads, but it can also increase your conversion rates from page visitors to clients. By using active custom landing pages with dynamic content and questioning, visitors can become invested in filling out a submission form to your law firm.

Using Facebook Ads With Custom Landing Pages

When using Facebook ads, these links can directly transfer visitors to your custom landing pages once they have clicked on your ad. Much like custom landing pages, Facebook ads can be designed to your law firm’s liking while still remaining focused on a practice area or mass tort.

With 1.6 billion people around the world connected to a small business on Facebook, ads on this platform present a valuable opportunity to reach and educate PNCs. The more a PNC reacts and invests in your ads, the more likely they will be qualified for your law firm’s services.

By focusing on both your law firm’s practice areas and mass torts, our legal marketing agency’s Facebook ad management helps you generate more qualified leads with higher conversion rates. We can tell an engaging story revolving around a practice area or mass tort through dynamic content creation, your law firm’s Facebook ads, and custom landing pages. This allows us to create content entirely around the PNC, which relates to your branding, creative material, and questionnaires.

Filter Qualified Leads for Your Law Firm With X Social Media Today

At X Social Media, our Facebook ad agency’s specific focus on a law firm’s various practice areas and mass torts has helped us find potential new clients for law firms. Our qualified lead generation services are optimized for high conversion rates, and our ability to create hyper-focused Facebook ads helps support your ROI.

Call X Social Media today at (888) 670-0006 or contact us online to begin a new campaign order.

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