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New law opens window for child sex abuse lawsuits 

Under new laws enacted in certain states, survivors of childhood sexual abuse have been given a specific time period to file claims that had previously been time barred. Additionally, some Courts can potentially triple the amount of money damages awarded to a survivor if there was an attempted cover-up.

This gives a new opportunity for now-adult survivors to find justice and closure, in some cases, decades after experiencing abuse and trauma.

With the recent passage of legislation which extends the statute of limitations and provides a “look-back period” for victims of childhood sexual abuse, survivors may now seek significant compensation for their injuries even if the abuse occurred decades ago. Courts are also tripling the amount of damages awarded to a survivor if there was an attempted cover up.

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse, also referred to as molestation, is undesired sexual contact by one person upon another. It often happens by using force or by taking advantage of a superior position of power over another.  Many perpetrators of sexual abuse and sexual assault were employed by trusted institutions, such as Catholic priests or clergy members, and violated the rights of large numbers of victims over many decades.

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