Philadelphia Mass Torts Advertising

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When you are competing for mass tort leads, the competition is fierce, so it is essential to understand what effective lead generation can do, or you will not have many clients to represent.

Lead generation is easy, so people say. Quality lead generation, however, requires extensive marketing knowledge, strategy, and planning. Lawyers often make the mistake of taking the bait from lead generation companies who offer volume at low cost, but then become overwhelmed by irrelevant leads and often end up missing great clients in the process. These companies do not understand the specifics of the law, so while you get many leads, very few of them have a chance of going to court.

X Social Media will get you more qualified clients using Facebook. We work with you to carefully craft custom landing pages as on-the-spot “Instant Case Review” smart forms. In short, this means you can funnel responses appropriately, freeing up your schedule and saving money through decreased time spent chasing unqualified leads.

Recruiting the most clients in a cost-effective manner is what will get you to the mass tort market fast. If you want to find out more, get in touch by calling (888) 670-0006.

Reach Out and Educate Potential Clients for Your Philadelphia Mass Tort Cases

When a new mass tort lawsuit emerges, you will want to engage large pools of people very quickly. Philadelphia’s mass tort advertising requires a deep understanding of the legal requirements of bringing a case to court. The criteria that define a good lead, therefore, are very precise.

In America alone, 69% of people use Facebook, with 74% of users logging on daily (according to the Pew Research Center). Many law firms find new clients and increase their profits by posting the right kind of ads, targeted towards the most receptive audiences.

The challenge with most digital marketing strategies lies with knowing which advertising tools and best practices to utilize to give your Philadelphia mass torts advertising campaigns the most impact. This is where X Social Media meets, then beats expectations. Our knowledge helps drive traffic to your website and captures lead information enabling you to:

  • Grow your business
  • Target your audience
  • Expand your reach
  • Generate quality mass tort leads
  • Convert leads to sign-ups

We know how to supercharge lead ads, simplifying the contact process for potential clients who are more likely to enter information when they do not have to leave Facebook. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what we do.

An ad with strong visuals, constant rotation, compelling language, and custom audience creation means you can even the playing field when competing for mass tort leads. Get started with us today. Call X Social Media, LLC at 888-670-0006.

Grow Your Leads by Investing in Facebook Advertising

If your goal is finding more Philadelphia mass torts advertising leads quickly, using Facebook advertising to reach masses of potential clients is probably one of the most effective ways you can achieve this.

Coupled with a quick registration process that users can complete without having to leave Facebook (which then filters the information and sends you leads that are more likely to go to court), X Social Media’s legal marketing solutions are fresh ideas that help you achieve faster sign-ups from new clients.

Custom Landing Pages Convert Visitors to Clients

Current business models for delivering legal services are shifting. We can show you how to use the emotional appeal and aggregating power of social media to reach hundreds of thousands of people who need your help today.

Our carefully crafted and tested landing pages work as a tool for targeting and pre-qualifying people in need of your services. They also serve as a means to quantify when leads are converted into new clients, so we always know what is really driving performance and you always know your social media marketing is successfully generating business.

Philadelphia Mass Torts Advertising Rules: Be Innovative Yet Careful

When using digital advertising to generate mass tort leads, it is essential you remember the stringent rules regarding advertising that govern lawyers. It is also vital to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest standards, regulations, and changes being considered at the federal level.

This can be a time-consuming process in itself, so working with a specialist social media marketing team can ensure you stay compliant at all times.

X Social Media Utilizes Big Picture Thinking with Proven Results

In the right hands, Facebook advertising and social networking can be invaluable when it comes to finding, educating, and engaging new clients about mass torts. In the emerging phase of a mass tort, most people do not connect their prescription with an adverse event, until it gains enough media attention. Facebook gives you a strong organic social media presence so your message can reach hundreds of thousands of people quickly.

With X Social Media, we work alongside you to organize your efforts, provide strategy and tactical support, and supply the tools and best practices needed to leverage opportunities from Facebook advertising. You can expect better results from your Philadelphia mass torts advertising campaign with the use of:

  • Managed ad spending
  • Live reporting
  • Dynamic ad creation
  • Custom landing pages
  • Custom audience creation
  • Pixel implementation
  • Engaging content

If you are aiming to reach people who need your help, X Social Media can provide that digital bridge. We do not just find your leads and then call it a day; we get the right message to the right people at the right time.

If you want to find innovative ways to attract people to your law firm through pre-qualified leads on Facebook, call us today at (888) 670-0006.

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